Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Middle Aged No Longer...

Well, just like that.

I'm closing out this blog. It'll remain up and please feel free to comment or whatnot, but this is done. If you want to get a decent sense of how I've felt the past few years, this is my public record. More so, I hope this shows a journey, perhaps a digression from one point to another. In my sorta-goofy way in calling myself a Middle Aged Young Adult, I hoped to find some resonance with others and ultimately, with what I felt myself. For that, I have succeeded.

For the first time in a very long time, I am content. I don't always feel content and judging as the end of the year is going to shape up, I might be quite frazzled. No matter. I am content in my decisions; what I decided and how I decided. I am content in my locale, in where I've ended up and how I got here. I am content in the possibilities and the probabilities. I am content with what I know and don't know, what I've learned and have yet to learn and what I have seen and what there is to see.

If peace is the awareness of everything you need to live life well, than I feel quite peaceful. After so much work in terms of education, shifting careers, moving toward the other side of the country, bad breakups, good rejections, lots of self-analysis and lots of silent and loud prayer amongst many a car drives, this is my time to slow down.

Thanks for reading and I'm sure we'll talk more soon.

Monday, September 01, 2008

A Stewart and a Wolfson met in a bar...

In continuing my election coverage, I offer a Daily Show video:

and an article by former Clinton Communications Director Howard Wolfson.

You may return to the "Cindy and Laura" hour at the RNC Convention.