After a hectic week, I am back in full force, here to give you the lowdown on all things M.A.Y.A.
This article from the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch came by my pseudo-desk yesterday dealing with how young professionals are buying houses at a younger age and with more desire for amenities. The appeal for urban lofts, spaciousness, swimming pools and movie stars make condos and other such properties a hot commodity. Check it out
This topic is important to me as my housing situation has just changed. In the course of about nine months or so, I went from a co-homeowner to living with the parents back home. Not in a million years did I think I would find my way back home. I did a quick lay-over of a few months at home after I moved back from Texas, sleeping on an air mattress in the living room. Now, I sorta have a room, and while the move is temporary, I have officially moved back into my parent's house again.
I have heard the numbers that more and more M.A.Y.A.s still live with their parents, and truthfully, who can blame them? Cheap rent, free food, and if the relationship with the parents is good, it's a great deal. That motif of stamping out into your own apartment is the first big step into adulthood isn't really the case anymore.
Then again, I still think it is. Granted, job salaries are not comparable to the rising cost-of-living, especially in L.A., but there's that sense that "striking it on your own" still takes a literal ideal.
But also, independence isn't a state of location, it's a state of mind. The same can be said of adulthood--you're only an adult in your head.
Like Linterella, I find myself in a precarious position. I have worked in the career of my choice for about 4 years, and even bought a house. I made it at 26.
Now, I quit my career, am in a graduate program that I'm still not sure if it's the right way to go, and I live with Mom and Dad again.
Well, at least my life isn't boring, or I don't have children to raise.
Or do I...I should check on that one.
for those of us who don't really know you well, what was the career of your choice and what are you going back to school for?
The more years that pass, the more appealing returning to my parents' house becomes...
And let's hope there are no little Plunks running around without your knowledge...
Hey Aaron,
I am a journalist, doing mainly news design, but bits of copy editing and reporting here and there. Linterella should tell you of the massive Texas project I did way back when.
I worked in West Texas for a little more than a year, then for two papers in L.A. for almost 3 years.
I am currently at school for a masters in Communication Management, which is basically like a MBA, but with a comm. emphasis. The idea was to go into consulting, but the 90 hour a work week and constant traveling isn't really jiving.
Then again, I have 19 bastard love children running last count, that is.
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