Saturday, July 12, 2008

Different leadership

RJ Eskow over at HuffPost wrote a great blog on Obama's leadership style. I think it's so important to change our perceptions on how we view politics. It's us as a general public that are bruised, betrayed, disappointed and cynical about our politics. When something new and better comes around, we have to have the hope to see it.

Here's the money quote:
Obama's been frustrating observers across the political spectrum lately. Progressive bloggers are debating whether he's driven by cynicism or centrism, while the rightwingers at Human Events claim there's a "Secret Plan Behind Obama's Move to the Right!" They're all missing the point. He's not moving to the Right. His political architecture isn't built on the old foundation of Right vs. Left -- or on Right vs. Wrong, for that matter. It isn't even binary. When it comes to policy he inclines toward the progressive position, but he's not thinking in terms of "winning" or "losing." His goal is group unity around the best possible realistic outcome. That means assess the situation, get what you can, then move to bring the parties together around a new consensus.

You read read the entire post here.

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