Friday, January 18, 2008

Hate being sick and unemployed...

What is the point of a cover letter?

Seriously, it is becoming the bane of my existence at the moment. In three paragraphs, I'm supposed to introduce myself, tout my experiences and give the future employer enough warm fuzzies to give me a ring so I can bomb the interview?


(Being sick sucks also. Being sick and trying to write cover letters is an exercise in blunted madness.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully understand. I too am middle aged, sick, unemployed male, and being evicted. I used to be someone once. But seemingly nobody cares about us anymore. We're just dead weight like the sick Eskimos of old. Wait until the young people find out what's waiting for them after decades of working to make corporate shareholders rich while HR carefully holds down their income to the barest amount possible (people are a resource in the supply chain and a cost to be controlled) while still getting them to perform and then kicked to the curb to keep those retirement benefits only for the top management. They will love it.