Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A real speech that is rooted in reality...

I urge you to watch this. Not because I want to vote for Obama (even though that would be nice if you're in Pennsylvania right now!) but because a real debate on race is so, so important.


Anonymous said...

Amazing speech. I heard part of it on the radio while driving today and got teary eyed. I came home and watched the entire thing and felt empowered.

Although I will say that in light of the last eight years with a "President" who couldn't pull two words together to form a coherent sentence, the fact that this speech was written by Sen. Obama makes me even happier that this man is running for president.

Anonymous said...

Okay. So not to be a comment hog, but Jon Stewart just said it perfectly.

"And so, on Tuesday at 11am, a prominent politician spoke about race to the American people... like adults."

I think Obama just won the Democratic nomination with this speech.