Saturday, May 17, 2008

This is REALLY the right stuff?

Had I only had kept the autographs of New Kids on the Block, I would be RICH and all the girls that dissed me in junior high would be all mine.
Just my luck.


Anonymous said...

Does it make you feel any better that they were flat and a little bit old in this clip?

I still love ya, even though you don't have the autographs, but I would love you more if you did. :)

Plunk said...

It does, yet with all the screaming women that are now very legal in most states, why should they care?

And if you would Jamers: At my funeral when you speak about me, make sure to say that he was loved, but there would have been plenty more had he framed and insured NKOTB's John Hancock's.
And make sure all the hot women I tried to get to love me are nodding in agreement. Then, my job would be complete.