Thursday, May 01, 2008

What this young fart wants politically...

Andrew Sullivan ran this letter from a reader respond to an earlier post stating that young people aren't fully informed about the political process and thus shouldn't be making claims that if Obama doesn win, they will completely opt out of the voting process.
This is a great response, with the money quote below:

The mistake is reading this as an Obama personality cult, in which case "grow up" would be appropriate. But the Obamaniacs I meet are nothing like that...
they don't sing his praises, they sing their own. They are intoxicated by the idea of a politics where things they thought were not possible become possible, and people talk to each other like adults. They don't think he's going to fix things, they think they are.
What the old farts might want to consider is that these young people who have no particular vested interest in the current system might be seeing the rot much more clearly than the fogeys who have been entangled in it for decades. And the mature folk might want to accept that the burden of proof is on them to show why such a viscerally disgusting political game is worth playing.

You can read the entire post here.
I don't know about you but I'm sick of the labeling that my generation (I'm going to say every person born 1975 and up, but that is anyone that has the same mindset) is narcissistic, simple, naive and spoiled. Sure, we've reaped the harvest of inflated costs and faux riches, but we're the ones that are going to have to fix the ridiculous mess we're currently in. Now that I live in D.C., I am absolutely certain that we cannot depend strictly on the national government to fix the problems from a top-down approach.

We ARE the change we are looking for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you.

It's time for Obama. It's time for us to be the change we want to see in the world.